Tuesday 11 September 2012

Top Five Little-Known Facts About Steve Jobs

Co-founder and chief executive of Apple Inc. and Pixar Animation Studios, Steve Jobs, passed away almost one year ago, on Oct. 5th, 2011. After his death, some details about his personal life, including information about his biological parents, religion and habits have tickle into the mainstream. Here is list of Top Five Little-Known Facts About Steve Jobs.


1. He was Adopted Son of Paul Family

One of the most interesting but little known facts about Apple guru Steve Jobs is that he was wasn’t the genuine son of Paul and Clara Jobs. He was their adopted son. His biological father, Abdulfattah Jandali, was of Syrian decent while he biological mother Joanne Schieble was a German lady. His genuine mom and dad were a language pathologist and a political science professor respectively. Jobs even never met his genuine father in his whole life.


2. Famous Novelist Mona Simpson is Jobs’ Biological Sister

Famous novelist Mona Simpson is Jobs’ biological sister. Steve’s true parents, Jandali and Schieble, tied the knot ten months after giving Job up for espousal and after marriage; they raised another child, Mona. Jobs did not meet his biological sister until the age of 27, when she called him to attend the book-party for her novel, Anywhere But Here. The two very close to each other and during an interview in 1997 Jobs’ said “She’s one of my best friends in the world. I call her and talk to her every couple of days.”


3. He Dropped Collage

Third among the top five most little-known facts about Steve Jobs is that he never graduated college. He dropped college in second semester, stating that he didn’t find it helpful in any way. He rather took a calligraphy classes and learned many helpful things which he later into his first Apple products. Those fonts were later on copied by Windows.


4. He was a Buddhist

Many of you will perhaps wonder to know that Jobs was a Zen Buddhist and once he considered joining monastery. His wedding to wife Laurene Powell-whom he met at the Stanford Business School- was held at Zen Buddhist Ceremony at Yosemite National Park and was registered by a Buddhist monk Kobun Chino Otogawa.


5. He Didn’t Eat Meat

Last but certainly not the least, the Apple chairman was a pescetarian. He didn’t eat meat. The only meat he used to eat was fish; otherwise he was a full-time vegetarian. And, that’s the end of our list of top five little-known facts about Steve Jobs. Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed learning these interesting facts about the genius tech-inventor of our era.

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